How Can You Preserve The Condition Of Your Brand-New Mirror?
As of 8 June 2021
As a homeowner that has a vested interest in interior design, it is unsurprising that you will want to do everything in your power to maintain the status quo. It would be disappointing to see all of the hard work that you have put into creating a desirable property to go to waste. Here at Fitted Mirrors, we pride ourselves on being a leading supplier of top-tier mirrors; as such, we believe that we are ideally-situated to offer some insight into efficient and effective mirror maintenance.
Be Vigilant
Whilst you might be slightly resentful of the time-consuming nature of this step, there is no denying that when it comes to safeguarding the quality of your wall mirror, the best thing that you can do is clean on a regular basis. When stains are left to fester, it can make it incredibly difficult to try and get back to the natural state. If you were to dedicate ten minutes on a weekly basis to scrubbing the glass and the frame, you would notice that the visual aesthetics of your mirror are preserved for considerably longer.
Dy Cloths Are Vital
As is to be expected, one of the first parts of your cleaning technique will involve the application of a wet cloth; after all, this can allow you to get marks that have been forming on the glass. However, it would be unwise to simply leave things like that – the wet streaks that you leave behind could be just as bad, if not worse, than the marks that you were originally targeting. Rather than leave yourself in this dire situation, we recommend that you take advantage of a dry cloth. This can work wonders in the long-run, which we are sure you will be pleased to hear.
Avoid Chlorine-Based Products
When you are scouring the Internet for cleaning products, it would not be surprising if you were to find a number of options that utilise chlorine as one of the active ingredients. On the face of it, you may feel as if this would be a good choice of purchase, as this is a chemical which is praised for its strength. That being said, there have been numerous instances of chlorine causing serious damage to delicate mirrors. Therefore, you need to be careful about the cleaning materials that you put your faith in.
Consider Its Placement
Although you may argue that this is not so much a maintenance tip, as it is supplementary advice, it would be unwise to overlook this factor. Regardless of whether you own a full-length mirror, or yours is a vintage mirror that is slightly smaller, it is imperative that you try and install it in an area that is free from obstruction or intrusion. Next to a door, for instance, is a prime example of where to avoid – this could easily lead to cracks forming, or worse.
What Can We Offer You?
Now that you have more of an understanding as to the techniques that can be used to preserve a mirror, the next step that you need to face is that which involves the purchase. Naturally, you will want to do-business with a firm that can provide you with a wide-array of shapes and sizes, as well as be experienced in producing first-class goods. In this department, it is hard to look past Fitted Mirrors as being the perfect company for the job. If you would like to learn anymore about our large antique mirrors, or the glass units that our catalogue is full of, feel free to give us a call on 020 7737 1430 today.